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发表于 2005-11-27 00:25:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
<P>My Neighbor Totoro<BR>("Tonari no Totoro")</P>
<P>Hayao Miyazaki<BR>Music: Joe Hisaish</P>
<P>Transcript by Bill Pellowe of the English version of the video.<BR>June 23, 1998. Revised July 12, 1998. Additional corrections Feb 22, 2003.<BR>  CAST OF CHARACTERS: <BR>  MEI KUSAKABE: girl, 4 years old<BR>  SATUSKI KUSAKABE: girl, 12 years old<BR>  FATHER: (Prof. KUSAKABE) Mei and Satsuki's father, a researcher at a <BR>  university in Tokyo<BR>  MOTHER: (Mrs. KUSAKABE) Mei and Satsuki's mother, sick in the hospital<BR>  GRANNY: Neighbor<BR>  KANTA: Granny's grandson<BR>  TOTOR large guardian of the forest <BR>  CONVENTIONS: <BR>  Words in &lt;brackets&gt; are unspoken.<BR>  Words in (parenthesis and italics) are descriptions. </P>
<P>(Driving through the Japanese countryside)<BR>Mei: Thanks.<BR>Satsuki: Daddy, &lt;do&gt; you want any caramel candy?<BR>Father: Oh, thank you very much, I would.<BR>Satsuki: &lt;You're&gt; welcome.<BR>Father: &lt;Is&gt; anybody tired yet?<BR>Satsuki: Mm-mmm.<BR>Father: We're almost there.<BR>Satsuki: Good.</P>
<P>Satsuki: Mei! Hide!<BR>Satsuki: I thought he was a policeman! HI-I-I!<BR>Postman: Hi! Hello there!</P>
<P>(Arriving at the neighbors' house)<BR>Father: Sorry to bother you, but are your parents around anywhere? <BR>Kanta: They're out there, in the field. <BR>Father: Thanks a lot.</P>
<P>Father: Hello there! &lt;It&gt; looks like we're going to be neighbors!<BR>Man: &lt;It's a&gt; pleasure to meet you! Good luck in the new house!<BR>Father: Thank you! &lt;We'll&gt; see you soon!<BR>Father: (to Kanta) Thank you very much. </P>
<P>(At the gateway to the house)<BR>Father: Everybody out.<BR>Mei: Hey!<BR>Father: Hang on. There. </P>
<P>(bridge)<BR>Satsuki: Hey Mei, come over here a minute.<BR>Mei: Wow. What are those little things swimming around?<BR>Satsuki: I don't know, goldfish maybe or something?<BR>Father: So, do you like it?<BR>Satsuki: It's terrific.<BR>Mei: Uh-huh!<BR>Satsuki: Come on, Mei, run!<BR>Mei: Wait up!<BR>Satsuki: Can we?<BR>Father: Mm-hm. You be careful, OK?<BR>Satsuki: Oh sure.</P>
<P>(At the house)<BR>Satsuki: What a lot of neat old junk.<BR>Mei: Do you think it's haunted?<BR>Satsuki: Maybe it is!<BR>Mei: Oh boy!<BR>Satsuki: Come on, I bet I can beat you around the house!<BR>Mei: Hey wait a minute!</P>
<P>Satsuki: It's completely rotten.<BR>Mei: oh-oh, it's going to fall down.</P>
<P>Satsuki: Wow, Mei, look up.<BR>Mei: What?<BR>Satsuki: Up there, look.<BR>Mei: Wow, what a tree!<BR>Satsuki: It's giant! That's got to be the biggest tree in...<BR>(Mei sneezes)</P>
<P>Satsuki: Daddy, look at that big tree on the mountain.<BR>Father: That's a camphor tree.<BR>Satsuki: A camphor. Camphor tree.<BR>Mei: Camphor tree<BR>Satsuki: Camphor.</P>
<P>(In the room)<BR>Mei: Oh. <BR>Satsuki: Hey Mei, look, an acorn.<BR>Mei: But I want an acorn too.<BR>Satsuki: Oh, hey wait a second. There's some more over there.<BR>Mei: Oh, I have my own acorn right here. Huh?<BR>Father: Mei, how am I supposed to open the house up if you're in the way?<BR>Satsuki: Acorns!<BR>Mei: We found them!<BR>Satsuki: And I found a bunch of them right near the back door.<BR>Mei: And they came from way up.<BR>Satsuki: It's true, they came out of the ceiling.<BR>Father: Hmmm. Hm. Some squirrels must've dropped them.<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: Squirrels!<BR>Father: Or maybe some other animal, perhaps a rat. <BR>Mei: Yuk.<BR>Satsuki: Rat?<BR>Mei: But I don't want a dumb rat!</P>
<P>Man: Hey, uh, where am I going to put it?<BR>Father: Ah, just bring it here, I'll open it up for you.<BR>Father: Satsuki, go and open the kitchen door.<BR>Satsuki: Uh-huh.<BR>Mei: (to man) Hi.<BR>Man: Same to you, too.<BR>Satsuki: Mei, come on.<BR>Mei: He's funny.<BR>Mei: Hey, wait! Hey, wait up!<BR>Satsuki: You can't catch me!<BR>Mei: Can too!</P>
<P>(Satsuki opens the door)<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: Ahhhh!<BR>Satsuki: Hm. Ready?<BR>Mei: Uh-huh.<BR>Mei: Bathtubs.<BR>Satsuki: Right.<BR>Satsuki: Nothing up there...<BR>Mei: No. <BR>Father: &lt;The&gt; bathtubs are in there.<BR>Satsuki: We saw something move in there.<BR>Father: A squirrel?<BR>Satsuki: We're not sure. Well, maybe they were cockroaches, but anyway, there <BR>were millions of them! <BR>Father: Hmmmmm....<BR>Satsuki: Lots of little black things.<BR>Satsuki: &lt;Do you&gt; see anything?<BR>Father: Well, I'm pretty sure they were dust bunnies.<BR>Satsuki: &lt;Do&gt; you mean real dust bunnies? Like in my picture book?<BR>Father: Dust bunnies make much more sense than ghosts. <BR>Mei: Why?<BR>Father: Well, ghosts are a lot harder to see. But when you suddenly move from a <BR>lighted room to a dark one, you can't see for a second, and that's when the dust <BR>bunnies come out. Got it?<BR>Satsuki: Boy, yeah! Come out! Come out!<BR>Mei: Come out!<BR>Satsuki: Come on out! Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out!<BR>Mei: Come on, dust bunnies!<BR>Father: What do you say we get to work now. We have to figure out where the <BR>steps are that lead up to the attic, right?<BR>Satsuki: What?<BR>Father: So you go find the way up, and we'll open all the windows upstairs.<BR>Satsuki: Yeah!<BR>Mei: Hey, wait for me!</P>
<P>(Searching the house, they go running from room to room)<BR>Mei: No stairs.<BR>Satsuki: Nope.<BR>Satsuki: Nothing here!<BR>Mei: Nothing here!<BR>Satsuki: Nope, nothing there!<BR>Mei: Nothing there!<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: Nobody in this room!<BR>Satsuki: Nobody here!<BR>Mei: Hi!<BR>(Satsuki taps Mei's head)<BR>Mei: Hey!</P>
<P>(Stairs)<BR>Satsuki: Come here, Mei, I found it.<BR>Mei: Wow.<BR>Satsuki: &lt;Is&gt; someone up there?<BR>Mei: Can some ghosts live upstairs?<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: Oh!<BR>Satsuki: It's an acorn! Oh-oh. <BR>Mei: They must like them.<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: &lt;?&gt; spiders go away right now!<BR>Satsuki: Hmmm.<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! <BR>Satsuki: Don't be scared Mei, there's nothing to be afraid of. There's nobody <BR>here.<BR>Satsuki: (opens window) There.</P>
<P>Father: (outside, carrying furniture) That's it. Easy. Slowly.<BR>(Satsuki calls from the window)<BR>Satsuki: Guess what, something's really living upstairs after all!<BR>Father: That's wonderful. Good for you. I've always wanted to have a haunted <BR>house. It's been my lifelong dream.</P>
<P>Satsuki: (to father) Careful!<BR>(Father drops a piece of furniture)<BR>Satsuki: Oooh!</P>
<P>(Satsuki runs downstairs and Mei approaches a crack. She catches a dust bunny.)<BR>Mei: Guess what, Sis! I got one!</P>
<P>(Mei runs downstairs and into an old woman)<BR>Granny: Eh?<BR>Mei: Ah!<BR>Father: Mei?<BR>Granny: Oh!<BR>Granny: A couple of fine kids!<BR>Father: Mei, there's nothing to be frightened about. Nanny's the lady who has <BR>the farm next door. She came over to help us out.<BR>Satsuki: Nanny, this is Mei, my sister. And I'm Satsuki.<BR>Granny: &lt;I'm&gt; very pleased to meet both of you. My, my, what smart children. <BR>(to Father) If I had known what a big hurry you were in to move, I would've <BR>cleaned the house up a bit.<BR>Father: Nanny, you've done so much already, it really isn't necessary.<BR>Granny: Well, you know how it is. I've been so busy in the rice paddies lately, <BR>there just doesn't seem to be enough time...<BR>Satsuki: (to Mei) Oh my gosh, how did you get all that black on you?<BR>Mei: I had a dust bunny right in my hand!<BR>Satsuki: Mei, your feet!<BR>Granny: (in background, to Father) Still, I did manage to get over here once in <BR>a while to do a little dusting, you know.<BR>Mei: Oh-oh!<BR>Satsuki: Hey, you got mine all black too!<BR>Granny: Eh? Eh-heh! It appears the soot sprites are hard at work.<BR>Satsuki: What are they? &lt;Do&gt; you mean those black little fuzzy things? that fly <BR>around the house and disappear upstairs?<BR>Granny: Yes, they breed in very old, empty houses, building invisible nests, and <BR>turning everything into dust. I could see them too, when I was a very small <BR>child. That the two of you are both able to see them makes me very glad.</P>
<P>Father: It couldn't have been a spirit, could it?<BR>Granny: If they're not sprites, then you have nothing to be frightened about.<BR>Father: Huh?<BR>Granny: If we all keep smiling, the sprites may gradually go away and leave this <BR>place alone. Yes, I'm sure that somewhere up in that ceiling, they're busily <BR>discussing plans for leaving the house.<BR>Satsuki: Maybe they really will leave us alone.<BR>Mei: Oh, what's wrong with them?<BR>Satsuki: With dust bunnies all over the house, you wouldn't want to go away?<BR>Mei: I'm not afraid of dust bunnies.<BR>Satsuki: Well, maybe you can go to the bathroom by yourself at night.<BR>Granny: (laughs) Come, come. The house needs cleaning up. So fetch a bucket and <BR>go get some water.<BR>Satsuki: &lt;Do&gt; you mean from the stream?<BR>Mei: Maybe we'll catch a fish!</P>
<P>(at stream)<BR>Satsuki: Mei, you wait here, OK?<BR>Mei: Did you get any fish?</P>
<P>(Working the pump)<BR>Satsuki: It's coming out! It's coming out, Nanny!<BR>Granny: Good, very good. Just keep at it till the water gets cold.<BR>Satsuki: Right.</P>
<P>(Cleaning the house, Kanta arrives with lunch from Granny's house)<BR>Satsuki: Hey, is that for us? Is that for me? Tell me what your name is.<BR>Kanta: It's for Grandma.<BR>Satsuki: Huh, Grandma?<BR>Satsuki: Hey, wait up. Where &lt;are&gt; you going?<BR>Granny: Kanta, don't be silly.<BR>Kanta: Hey, haven't you heard? You're living in a haunted house.<BR>Granny: Go away!</P>
<P>(Having lunch...)<BR>Father: (laughs) Well, I remember doing the very same thing when I was his age.<BR>Satsuki: I hate boys! But I love Nanny's food better than anything else in the <BR>whole wide world.<BR>Granny: Eat all you want.</P>
<P>(Later, saying goodbye to Granny)<BR>Father: (to man driving away) Thanks for your help!<BR>Mei: Bye!<BR>Father: Thank you so much, Nanny.<BR>Satsuki &amp; Mei: Goodbye!</P>
<P>(Evening. Satsuki is outside collecting wood. A strong wind scatters the wood)</P>
<P>(Later, in the bathtub during the storm)<BR>Mei: Daddy, I'm scared the wind's going to make the house fall down!<BR>Father: (chuckles) Maybe it will, but I hope not, because we've just moved in.<BR>(The wind shakes the house and blows things around)<BR>Father: (laughs very loudly) Come on! What are you waiting for? You have to <BR>laugh loud to scare a spirit! (laughs very loudly) <BR>Mei: I'm not scared at all.<BR>Satsuki: (laughs very loudly) <BR>Mei: Hey, I'm not, I mean it!<BR>(Everyone laughs and splashes water. The dust bunnies fly off to the camphor <BR>tree.) </P>
<P>(The next morning, doing laundry)<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: One, two, one, two, one, two...<BR>Father: That's it, give it all you've got.<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: One, two, one, two...<BR>Father: Come on, yeah!<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: One, two, one, two...</P>
<P>Father: There we go. Well, if I may humbly say so, we're finished.<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: Yea!<BR>(getting on the bicycle)<BR>Father: There we are.<BR>Satsuki: Get ready to fly, Mei!<BR>Satsuki: &lt;You'd&gt; better hold on!<BR>Father: Here we go!</P>
<P>(Riding off on the bicycle to visit the hospital, they pass Granny in the<BR>fields)<BR>Satsuki: Nanny! Hi!<BR>Father: Hello! <BR>Granny: Where are you pedaling off to this morning?<BR>Satsuki: We're going to visit Mommy in the hospital!<BR>Granny: Well, be sure to give &lt;her&gt; my regards! I know she'll be very happy to <BR>see you.<BR>Satsuki: Bye-bye!</P>
<P>(They pass Kanta and he and Satsuki stick out their tongues at each other)</P>
<P>(Further down the road...)<BR>Satsuki: That way, Daddy, that way!</P>
<P>(At the hospital)<BR>Satsuki: (to another patient) Good afternoon.<BR>Patient: Good afternoon.<BR>Mother: My love, I'm so happy to see you.<BR>Mei: Daddy took the wrong road and we had to come back another way.<BR>Mother: Well! (to Satsuki) Don't be shy.<BR>Satsuki: We got off today from school.<BR>Mother: Wonderful.<BR>Mei: Mommy, Daddy told me to tell you he'll be here.<BR>Mother: He's probably speaking to the doctor, Mei. It's so good to be able to <BR>see you all. Please tell me about the new house. Do you like it?<BR>Satsuki: Yeah.<BR>(Satsuki whispers to her mother about the dust bunnies)<BR>Mother: Ah, you mean they live upstairs?<BR>Satsuki: Uh-huh.<BR>Mei: Do you like spirits, Mommy? Even fuzzy ones?<BR>Mother: Of course. I wish I could go home with you and see them right away. <BR>Satsuki: You were right, Mei.<BR>Mei: Hm-hmm. <BR>Satsuki: We thought you might not be too happy about the house being filled with <BR>spooks.<BR>Mother: Are you happy with them?<BR>Satsuki: Yep!<BR>Mei: And I'm not afraid of them at all.<BR>Mother: (laughs). Don't tell me you've fixed Mei's ponytails by yourself! <BR>Satsuki: Uh-huh.<BR>Mother: They're beautiful. (to Mei) You know, you're a very lucky girl. <BR>Mei: She gets mad at me almost all the time<BR>Satsuki: That's because you're always jumping around.<BR>Mother: Satsuki, come here. Why don't you let me brush your hair for a minute?<BR>Satsuki: I'm glad you let me keep it short.<BR>Mei: I want mine short, too.<BR>Satsuki: Only when you're my age, Mei. <BR>(Brushing Satsuki's hair)<BR>Mother: Satsuki, you have wire for hair. As stubborn as mine was when I was a <BR>small girl. <BR>Satsuki: I'll be able to have as beautiful hair as yours when I become older, <BR>won't I?<BR>Mother: Of course you will. And I know that because you're the spitting image of <BR>me when I was young. <BR>Father: Hi. </P>
<P>(On the road home....)<BR>Satsuki: I thought Mommy looked a lot better.<BR>Father: A lot better. In fact, I think the doctor might let her leave in a very <BR>short time.<BR>Mei: Does "a short time" mean tomorrow, Daddy?<BR>Satsuki: Aw, come on, tomorrow means tomorrow. <BR>Father: Maybe not tomorrow, but it's pretty soon.<BR>Mei: She said when she comes home, she's only going to sleep in my own bed. <BR>Satsuki: Hey, what about what you told me? That you were big enough to sleep all <BR>by yourself<BR>Mei: Mommy told me it'd be OK. </P>
<P><BR>(The next morning...)<BR>Satsuki: Daddy, Daddy, wake up, it's morning.<BR>Mei: Daddy, get up! It's Mei. </P>
<P>(The kitchen...)<BR>Satsuki: Good morning.<BR>Father: I must've overslept or something.<BR>Satsuki: We get our lunch boxes today.<BR>Father: I'm sorry, I completely forgot.<BR>Satsuki: I made lunch for everybody, don't worry about it.<BR>Mei: Hey, it's burning!<BR>Satsuki: Just a minute.</P>
<P>Satsuki: OK, this one's for you.<BR>Mei: That one's mine.<BR>Father: Mei, stop that. Sit down and eat.<BR>Satsuki: Go ahead, wrap it yourself.<BR>Michik (a schoolmate, outside) Hey, you're late! Satsuki!<BR>Satsuki: Must be time to go. (to Michiko) &lt;O&gt;Ka-ay!<BR>Father: I can't believe you've made a friend already.<BR>Mei: Hey, &lt;I&gt; bet you sit next to her in class.<BR>Satsuki: Yep, and her name's Michiko. (Finishes eating and runs out the door) <BR>Here I come!<BR>Father &amp; Mei: Well thanks for saying goodbye!<BR>Satsuki: (outside) Hi. Sorry.<BR>Michik How come you took so long? We're going to be late.</P>
<P>(Later, in the garden)<BR>Mei: Daddy, this hat. Am I grown up if I wear it?<BR>Father: Well, it looks that way to me. Where are you off to?<BR>Mei: &lt;I'm&gt; going to get some flowers.</P>
<P>(Mei runs around in the yard for a few minutes)<BR>Mei: Is it lunch time yet?<BR>Father: I don't think so.</P>
<P>(Mei puts some daisies on Father's desk.)<BR>Mei: Daddy, look, I'm the flower lady.</P>
<P>(At the pond)<BR>Mei: Tally-wallypogs &lt;TADPOLES&gt;</P>
<P>(Mei goes to the well and finds a rusted bucket)<BR>Mei: There's no bottom!</P>
<P>(Looking through the bucket, she sees an acorn in the grass)<BR>Mei: Wow, acorn! Dust bunnies! (Sees small Totoro) Hey. (Follows it.) Come back! </P>
<P>(She follows the two small Totoros to find the large one, Totoro)</P>
<P>Mei: Hey. <BR>(Totoro sneezes)<BR>Mei: Tell me who you are. Are you a big dust bunny?<BR>Totor To Ro Ro.<BR>Mei: Waaaaah! <BR>Totor To Ro Ro.<BR>Mei: Totoro? That's it! I bet you're name's Totoro., isn't it.<BR>Totor Ro.<BR>Mei: So you're really a Totoro. <BR>(Totoro yawns)<BR>Mei: Totoro.<BR>(Both fall asleep.)</P>
<P>(Later in the day, Satsuki returns from school)<BR>Satsuki: Sure I will. Tomorrow. <BR>Michik &lt;O&gt;k, bye!<BR>Satsuki: &lt;I'll&gt; see you later!</P>
<P>Satsuki: Daddy, I'm home!<BR>Father: Already? (looks at watch) Wait a minute. How come you're home so late?<BR>Satsuki: I was playing with Michiko. Where's Mei?<BR>Father: That's funny, I haven't even eaten my lunch. I think Mei's out back.<BR>Satsuki: Mei? Mei?<BR>Father: Mei?<BR>Satsuki: Mei? <BR>Satsuki: Mei?</P>
<P>Satsuki: Daddy, over here! I think I know where Mei went.</P>
<P>Satsuki: Mei? Mei! Wake up! Wake up. Wake up, Mei, right now! You have no <BR>business sleeping in this place!<BR>Mei: How come he's gone?<BR>Satsuki: How come who's gone? Tell me who you lost.<BR>Mei: A big Totoro was here with me.<BR>Satsuki: You don't mean a big one like what's in our picture books, do you?<BR>Mei: Mm-hmm. And I climbed up on top of him. And he was furry! And he had a big <BR>mouth! And there was a little one. And one this big. And a great big one <BR>sleeping by himself.<BR>Satsuki: Oh!<BR>Father: Hello! Anybody in there? Well, I'll be. What a great hiding place. <BR>Satsuki: Daddy, Mei was just telling me she saw a big Totoro!<BR>Father: A real one?<BR>Mei: Mm-hmm. This way.<BR>(The children run ahead; Father crawls behind.)<BR>Father: Hey, give me a chance!<BR>Satsuki: Here?<BR>Mei: Mm. Mm-hmm. He was by the big tree a little while ago.<BR>Satsuki: I don't see how he could've gotten away.<BR>(Mei runs back into woods.)<BR>Satsuki: Mei! Mei, come back!</P>
<P>(Mei emerges, shocked; Father &amp; Satsuki laugh.)<BR>Mei: I really saw him! I'm not lying! I'm not lying.<BR>Father: Hey...<BR>Mei: You don't believe me. <BR>Father: Mm-hmm. That's where you're wrong. I believe you're being completely <BR>truthful about this. But I also believe that you met the King of the Forest, <BR>Mei, and meeting him is a sign of good luck. But there's no guarantee that <BR>you'll see him all the time. Come on. We'll have to go back and pay our <BR>respects.<BR>Satsuki: Where do we find him?<BR>Father: Well, Miss Mei will find him for us.<BR>Satsuki: Yeah!</P>
<P>(Climbing the stairs to the shrine....)<BR>Father: Mei, you're getting heavier by the minute.<BR>Satsuki: Daddy, the camphor tree! What a beautiful tree.<BR>(Mei runs towards tree)<BR>Mei: I found it!<BR>Satsuki: You're sure that's the one?<BR>Mei: Uh-huh! <BR>Satsuki: What are you waiting for, Daddy? Hurry up!<BR>Mei: The hole's not there anymore! But I'm sure this is where it was.<BR>Satsuki: You're positive it is?<BR>Mei: Uh-hum<BR>Satsuki: (to Father) The opening's completely disappeared. <BR>Father: Well, remember, you can see him only when he wants you to. <BR>Satsuki: Will we see him?<BR>Father: Maybe.<BR>Satsuki: But I want to meet him.<BR>Father: &lt;You&gt; never can tell. If we're lucky enough. </P>
<P>Father: What a beautiful tree it is. This tree's been here, oh, since before <BR>anyone can remember. You know, a long time ago, men and trees were the best of <BR>friends. It's actually because of this tree that I decided to buy our house in <BR>the first place. And you can bet Mommy'll like it when she sees it. So, what do <BR>you say we thank the king of the forest and get back for our lunch?<BR>Satsuki: I have to meet Michiko after lunch to get ready for an exam.<BR>Mei: I'm coming too!<BR>Father: Atten-tion! (to tree) Thank you for all you've done for Mei. Please look <BR>after her and protect her forever. <BR>(All three bow.)<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: Thank you so much. <BR>(Father turns and runs)<BR>Father: &lt;The&gt; last one home's a rotten egg!<BR>Satsuki: Hey, that's not fair. You cheated!<BR>Mei: Wait! Hey! Hey, wait up!</P>
<P>(Satsuki writing a letter...)<BR>Satsuki: (voice over) Dear Mother, You're never going to believe this, but <BR>today, under that giant tree on the top of the hill, Mei actually met a ghost - <BR>Totoro! Daddy says it was the King of the Forest. Well, whoever he was, I really <BR>want to meet him. </P>
<P>(Outside, all three Totoros are in the tree)</P>
<P>(Next morning)<BR>Kanta's Mother: Kanta! You'd better hurry up, or you'll be late!<BR>Kanta: &lt;O&gt;K!</P>
<P>(In classroom)<BR>Satsuki: There. (sees Mei outside with Granny) Huh? Mei, what ... . Excuse me!<BR>Teacher: Yes?<BR>Satsuki: It's my little sister, Mei. </P>
<P>Satsuki: Nanny! Nanny, what happened?<BR>Granny: Dear, I'm sorry, but she demanded to be with her sister, and simply <BR>won't listen. <BR>Satsuki: But I'm going to be ... . Mei, now, you promised to be a good girl <BR>because Daddy was going to be at the university and wasn't going to be able to <BR>take care of you! I have a couple &lt;of&gt; hours left before I can come home. And <BR>Nanny's been nice to watch you. <BR>Granny: Our Mei has been a very good little girl, eh?<BR>Satsuki: Well, I &lt;had&gt; better ask permission for her to come inside. </P>
<P>(classroom)<BR>Teacher: Because her mother is going to be in the hospital, Satsuki'll be taking <BR>care of her sister, Mei, for a short while. Is that clear for everybody?<BR>Everyone: Yes, ma'am.</P>
<P>(Mei drawing at Satsuki's desk)<BR>Michik What's that a picture of, Mei?<BR>Mei: A Totoro picture!<BR>Satsuki: Shhhhh. Could you be a little more quiet about it?<BR>Mei: Okay!</P>
<P>(School lets out...)<BR>Michik &lt;Do you&gt; want to come over and play?<BR>Satsuki: If I can. But I might miss the club meeting. Is that OK?<BR>Michik Come whenever you can. &lt;I'll&gt; see you &lt;later&gt;!<BR>Students: See you! Bye Mei. <BR>Mei: Bye. </P>
<P>Satsuki: We'd better walk fast or we're going to get wet. <BR>Mei: &lt;O&gt;K. <BR>(begins to rain)<BR>Satsuki: Oh, no! Hurry!</P>
<P>(Mei falls into a puddle)<BR>Satsuki: Oh my god! Are you OK?<BR>Mei: Yeah. <BR>Satsuki: Come on. </P>
<P>(Taking shelter under a roadside shrine)<BR>Satsuki: Wow, what do we do now? (Prays) If it's not too much trouble, could we <BR>stay until it stops raining?</P>
<P>(Kanta walks past with an umbrella, sees Satsuki, and turns around)<BR>Satsuki: Uh ... Thanks. </P>
<P>(Kanta leaves the umbrella on the ground and runs off)<BR>Mei: We were pretty lucky, huh? That's funny, it's got holes in it!</P>
<P>(Later at home...)<BR>Satsuki: Oh-oh, Daddy left his umbrella.<BR>Mei: Hey, we could bring it back to him.</P>
<P>(At Granny's house)<BR>Kanta: I just forgot because I forgot!<BR>Kanta's Mother: How can you forget your umbrella when it's raining outside?<BR>Kanta: Ouch!<BR>Kanta's Mother: Even you can't be that stupid. <BR>Kanta: Mom!<BR>Kanta's Mother: You were probably playing with it and broke it in half or <BR>something.<BR>Kanta: I did not!</P>
<P>(Satsuki &amp; Mei come)<BR>Satsuki: Excuse me, is anybody home?<BR>Kanta's Mother: Satsuki, what are you doing here? Grandma!<BR>Satsuki: Thank you for taking care of Mei.<BR>Kanta's Mother: Oh, don't be ridiculous, she was a treasure. <BR>Satsuki: Well, besides that, we wanted to bring back the umbrella we borrowed.<BR>Kanta's Mother: But, Kanta's umbrella, but why would he want to give you this <BR>beat up thing?<BR>Satsuki: It came in handy because we didn't have one. But I'm afraid he got <BR>soaking wet. Anyway, please thank him for us. <BR>Kanta's Mother: I will. I'm always telling him to wash the mud off, so some rain <BR>did him no harm at all. Are you on your way to meet your father?<BR>Satsuki: Yes, ma'am. <BR>Kanta's Mother: Well, you give him my regards. Bye-bye.<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: Bye!<BR>Granny: Did someone come to the door?<BR>Kanta: I didn't hear anything.</P>
<P>(At the bus stop; a bus is coming)<BR>Satsuki: Oh, boy, we made it.<BR>Bus Conductor: (to passengers) Thank you. Thank you. (To Satsuki &amp; Mei) &lt;Are <BR>you&gt; getting on board or not?<BR>Mei &amp; Satsuki: (shake heads)<BR>Bus Conductor: All right, let's go. (Bus departs.)<BR>Mei: Daddy wasn't on that one, right?<BR>Satsuki: I'm sure he'll be on the next one. Do you want to go back to Nanny's <BR>house and wait?</P>
<P>Satsuki: What's the matter?</P>
<P>Satsuki: Mei, you're sleepy. <BR>Mei: Uh-uh. <BR>Satsuki: Aw, come on now. I told you it might be a while. You don't want to go <BR>to Nanny's and wait? It won't be long. I'm sure the bus will come soon. Just <BR>hang in there. Well, I guess they were delayed, but I hope not. (picks up Mei) <BR>Come on. </P>
<P>(Totoro arrives)<BR>Satsuki: I bet you're Totoro. <BR>Totor (growls)<BR>Satsuki: Oh we have another umbrella, if you want &lt;it&gt;. (holds it out to him) Go <BR>ahead, take it. Come on, &lt;or&gt; I'm going to drop Mei. (he takes it) You put it <BR>over your head, like that. </P>
<P>(Headlights approach)<BR>Satsuki: The bus is here.</P>
<P>(Cat Bus arrives, and Totoro leaves)<BR>Satsuki: Mei, wa- wasn't that umbrella he took with him Daddy's? </P>
<P>(Bus arrives)<BR>Bus Conductor: Thank you.<BR>Father: How nice of you to meet me.<BR>Mei: Daddy!<BR>Father: I'm sorry, but the train was late. That's why I missed the first bus. <BR>You weren't worried about me, were you?<BR>Satsuki: I saw him, I saw him! He was right beside me at the bus stop!<BR>Mei: Me, too! We saw Cat Bus, too!<BR>Father: Uh, uh<BR>Satsuki: Oh, gigantic arms!<BR>Mei: Great big eyeballs!<BR>Satsuki: It was scary!<BR>Mei: And I was scared!<BR>Satsuki: We saw Totoro!<BR>Mei: We saw Totoro!<BR>Satsuki: We saw Totoro!<BR>Mei: We saw Totoro!<BR>Satsuki: We saw him!</P>
<P>(Walking back)<BR>Father: Hey, &lt;does&gt; anyone want a ride?<BR>Satsuki: I do!<BR>Father: OK. Here we go. </P>
<P>(Satsuki writing a letter)<BR>Letter: Dear Mother, I'm surprised &lt;that&gt; I can write to you at all, &lt;be&gt;cause <BR>my heart is still beating so fast. Mei and I had something incredible happen <BR>today. We both met Totoro! I really saw him! And he even gave us a gift. It was <BR>a package wrapped up in bamboo leaves, and tied with dragon whiskers. We opened <BR>it as soon as we got home, and guess what was in it? Magic nuts and seeds!<BR>(Mother reading letter)<BR>Mother: (reading) We've decided to plant them all out in the front &lt;of the <BR>house&gt;, because someday they'll be tall and beautiful. Mei just...<BR>(Satsuki writing letter)<BR>Letter: &lt;Mei just&gt; sits there every day, waiting for them to sprout. But they <BR>don't seem to want to grow! I can't wait to see what they'll be like. Oh yes, <BR>Mei sends her love, and wanted to make sure you saw her drawing. <BR>(Mother looks at Mei's drawing, and chuckles.)<BR>Letter: (letter) It's going to be summer vacation soon, and we'll be out of <BR>school. I love you, Mother. And please get well soon. </P>
<P>(Bedtime, Satsuki and Mei are playing on the mosquito netting)<BR>Father: Come on, get off. I said get off! Come on, it's bed time.<BR>Mei: Daddy? Will the plants come out? I mean will they come out tomorrow?<BR>Father: That's tough to say. Perhaps Totoro will be able to say if they will. <BR>Good night.</P>
<P>(Later, Satsuki wakes up and sees Totoros in the yard)<BR>Satsuki: Wake up, Mei!<BR>Mei: Huh?<BR>Satsuki: But isn't that where we planted ...<BR>Mei: Yeah!<BR>(They do a dance with the Totoros. The seeds grow into a large forest)<BR>Satsuki: It worked!</P>
<P>Satsuki: Yeah, we did it!<BR>(Satsuki &amp; Mei climb onto Totoro, and they fly around)<BR>Satsuki: Now we know what makes the wind blow!</P>
<P>(The next morning, the magic forest is gone.)<BR>Mei: What happened to the tree?<BR>Satsuki: Hey!<BR>Mei: Hey, wait!</P>
<P>(At the garden, some of the seeds have sprouted)<BR>Satsuki: We did it!<BR>Mei: We did it!<BR>Satsuki: We did it! Yeah! <BR>(laugh)<BR>Satsuki: It was only a dream.<BR>Mei: It wasn't a dream.<BR>Satsuki: It was only a dream.<BR>Mei: It wasn't a dream.<BR>Satsuki: It was only a dream.<BR>Mei: It wasn't a dream.<BR>Satsuki: It was only a dream. We did it!</P>
<P>(Later....)<BR>Mail Man: Telegram. Hello? Telegram. Hello? Anyone home? Hm. Maybe not.</P>
<P>(In Granny's vegetable patch)<BR>Mei: Nanny!<BR>Granny: Over here, Mei. <BR>Granny: (pointing at corn) That one's perfect.<BR>Satsuki: About how ripe is this?<BR>Granny: That's ripe.<BR>Satsuki: Wow. Your vegetable garden is more like a mountain of treasure!<BR>Granny: Thanks to Mother Nature. Let's take a little rest, shall we?</P>
<P>Granny: (lifting vegetables from water) There we are, &lt;they're&gt; nice and cold.<BR>Satsuki: Michiko'd be jealous.</P>
<P>Satsuki: It's amazing.<BR>Granny: They've absorbed lots of wonderful things from the sun, and that's what <BR>makes them so good for the body and good for the soul. <BR>Satsuki: They wouldn't help my mother, would they?<BR>Granny: Of course they would. My vegetable garden is bound to make anyone feel <BR>better in no time at all. <BR>Satsuki: Our mother's coming back home this week from the hospital..<BR>Mei: And she's going to come sleep with me under my covers.<BR>Granny: That's wonderful. She's able to come back, is she?<BR>Satsuki: Un-uh. She's coming home to spend a couple of days, but then has to go <BR>right back there. I suppose she has to be careful.<BR>Granny: Yes, she has. But we'll fatten her up on my fresh vegetables.<BR>Mei: I'm going to give Mommy this corn I picked for her specially.<BR>Granny: And I'm sure she'll love you for it.<BR>Mei: Um-hmm.</P>
<P>(Kanta comes running up)<BR>Kanta: &lt;The&gt; mailman gave me this telegram &lt;be&gt;cause you were out. Here.<BR>Satsuki: But Daddy won't be home from the university till after nine.<BR>Granny: Open it now, then. A telegram is serious business.<BR>Satsuki: Um-hmm. It's from my mother's doctor at the hospital. (reading) "Please <BR>contact me". What's that supposed to mean? Is something wrong with her or not? I <BR>know something awful's happened to her. What am I supposed to do if my father's <BR>not home?<BR>Granny: Listen, you must be calm. Have you any way of telephoning your father?<BR>Satsuki: I have the number of his research lab, but we don't have a telephone to <BR>call him.<BR>Granny: (to Kanta) Take them back to your mother's place and let them use the <BR>phone to reach their father. Do you understand?<BR>(Kanta nods)<BR>Granny: (to Satsuki) Don't panic, but go quickly. <BR>Satsuki: Uh-hmm. <BR>(Kanta &amp; Satsuki run off. Mei follows, carrying the ear of corn.)<BR>Granny: Mei, you make sure you stay put at my house! Mei! Mei!</P>
<P>Satsuki: Hey, Mei, don't follow me! Go to Nanny's house!</P>
<P>(At the house)<BR>Satsuki: (on phone) Hello, Operator? I'd like to make a long distance call, <BR>please. It's very important. It's number 1354 at station 12. Yes. Thank you very <BR>much.<BR>Old woman: (to Kanta) Your friend is very pretty. What lovely hair.<BR>(The phone rings)<BR>Satsuki: Hello? Yes. Can you put me through to the main lecture room of the <BR>Anthropology school? To Professor Kusakabe. Please hurry. Yes. Yes, I'm his <BR>daughter. (waits) It was from the hospital, Daddy! I'm so worried!<BR>Father: Whoa, whoa, slow down. From the hospital? Oh, OK, it's all right. I <BR>think I understand. Now, I'm going to call the hospital, ...<BR>Satsuki: (interupts) What's wrong with Mommy? Tell me everything's going to be <BR>all right.<BR>Father: There's no need to worry. I'm going to check with the hospital and call <BR>you right back. OK? OK?<BR>Satsuki: Uh-huh. <BR>Father: You stay where you are. <BR>Satsuki: Uh-huh. <BR>Father: I'm hanging up now, so you stay right there. <BR>(hangs up)<BR>Satsuki: He's going to be calling back, so is it alright if I stay right here by <BR>the telephone and wait?<BR>Old Woman: You take all the time you need.</P>
<P>(Outside...)<BR>Mei: Hey, where are you!<BR>(A goat comes)<BR>Mei: Uh-oh. Oh, no! I'm going to give this corn to my mommy! Go away! You'd just <BR>better stop it right now! <BR>(Mei runs off, catches up to Kanta &amp; Satsuki)<BR>Satsuki: Mei, the hospital said that mommy's condition isn't very good. So she <BR>isn't going to be coming home just yet. <BR>Mei: But why?<BR>Satsuki: Mei, what can we do? If she came home now, it'd only make it worse.<BR>Mei: It would not!<BR>Satsuki: But, she'll be able to come home real soon!<BR>Mei: No!<BR>Satsuki: All right, then, be that way! Let's see if she dies!<BR>Mei: No!<BR>Satsuki: Don't be dumb, Mei! Oh, I give up. You're so stupid! <BR>(Satsuki runs off)<BR>Kanta: Come on, Mei.<BR>Mei: I'm not stupid.</P>
<P>(At the house...)<BR>Granny: I took care of the rest of the washing. Come on, now. It isn't the end <BR>of the world. Your old Nanny's here to help. Let's see that beautiful smile. <BR>Your father's going to be stopping off at the hospital on his way home, eh? What <BR>I heard was that your mother only caught a small cold. Mm-mmm. She'll be home <BR>next weekend, I believe. <BR>Satsuki: That's what they said &lt;the&gt; last time, too. "It'll be a little visit. <BR>Just a few days to see what's wrong with her. It's just a cold." What are me and <BR>Mei going to do if Mommy dies? <BR>Granny: Uh<BR>Satsuki: What are we going to do, Nanny? (begins to cry)<BR>Granny: There, there. Don't worry. Your mother's not going to die.<BR>(Mei in background, listening)<BR>Granny: Hush. She'd never leave two such beautiful children. She loves you too <BR>much for that. Don't cry. Nanny will stay with you until your father comes home.<BR>(Mei runs off with the ear of corn. No one sees her leave)</P>
<P>(Later, Satsuki &amp; Granny are searching for Mei)<BR>Granny: Mei? Where are you?<BR>Satsuki: Mei! Mei, come back!<BR>(Satsuki &amp; Granny meet)<BR>Satsuki: Did you see her anywhere?<BR>Granny: No sign at all. She wasn't at the bus stop?<BR>Satsuki: (shakes head)<BR>Granny: That's very strange. Where could she possibly have gone off to?<BR>Satsuki: Maybe she's angry about this morning. We had a bad argument, and - Oh! <BR>Maybe she went off to visit Mommy in the hospital!<BR>Granny: But the hospital's so far from here. It's, oh my heavens, why, it would <BR>take a grown man three hours to get there!<BR>(Satsuki runs off, passes Kanta)<BR>Kanta: Hey!<BR>Granny: Oh my goodness! (to Kanta) Please, you must get your father right now. <BR>You must tell him that little Mei has disappeared!</P>
<P>(Satsuki, running)<BR>Satsuki: (to herself) How could you do something so stupid, Mei! You always get <BR>lost!</P>
<P>Satsuki: Mei!</P>
<P>Satsuki: (calling to a farmer) I'm sorry to bother you, but you, well you <BR>haven't seen a little girl come by this way, have you? She's my sister, about 5 <BR>years old. <BR>Farmer: Well, &lt;it&gt; seems to me I remember someone. Ah, yes, uh, near as I can <BR>recall, she went that way.<BR>Satsuki: (to herself) Maybe she went through the forest.<BR>Farmer: Then again, she might've gone in the other direction. Are you sure it <BR>was your sister? All sorts of folks come by here, but I don't see them.<BR>Satsuki: (to herself) Mei, I'm scared. (to Farmer) Thank you.</P>
<P>Satsuki: Mei!</P>
<P>(Satsuki, in road)<BR>Satsuki: Please stop!<BR>Driver: Ah! Hey, are you crazy, kid?<BR>Satsuki: I'm looking for my sister. Have you seen a little girl wandering <BR>around? <BR>Passenger: I'm afraid not. <BR>Satsuki: Mei's her name, and she's about 5 years old. She probably got herself <BR>lost.<BR>Driver: We haven't seen anyone, have we?<BR>Passenger: (shakes head)<BR>Satsuki: I think she's going to Shichikokuyama.<BR>Passenger: We just came from there, but we haven't come across anybody for the <BR>last couple of hours. I'm sorry.<BR>Satsuki: Well, um, thank you. <BR>Driver: By the way, where are you from? <BR>Satsuki: Um, Matsu-go.<BR>Driver: You walked from there to here?<BR>Passenger: That's over three hours away!<BR>Driver: Yeah. Well, good luck, kid.<BR>(Drives off)<BR>Passenger: I hope you find her.</P>
<P>(Kanta rides up on a bicycle)<BR>Kanta: Satsuki! Wait! Come here!<BR>Satsuki: Kanta!<BR>Kanta: We haven't found her yet. How about you?<BR>Satsuki: Nothing.<BR>Kanta: Hey, my dad's got everyone in the village searching for her, so you go <BR>home and I'll bike to Shichikokuyama. OK?<BR>Satsuki: But I'm afraid if she goes to visit Mommy's hospital, she'll completely <BR>lose her &lt;way.&gt;<BR>Kanta: (interrupts) Wait a second. Somebody found some sandals by the lake half <BR>an hour ago. There's no way she can get past all those people without someone <BR>noticing.<BR>Satsuki: Ah! (runs off)<BR>Kanta: Hey, don't worry. Nobody said they were Mei's sandals!</P>
<P>(Passing the farmer)<BR>Farmer: Did you find her yet?</P>
<P>(At the pond, men are searching the water with long poles)<BR>Granny: (praying)<BR>Man 1: Go back a bit over towards your right! You haven't covered that area!<BR>Man 2: Hey, &lt;do&gt; you have any poles left?<BR>Michik There's Satsuki!<BR>Granny: Eh?<BR>Michik Look!<BR>Satsuki: Mei! Mei!<BR>Granny: (Showing Satsuki the sandal) Look, Satsuki. Is it hers?<BR>Satsuki: It's not hers.<BR>Granny: What? Oh, merciful heavens. You know, Satsuki, for a while I thought it <BR>might be Mei's.<BR>Kanta's Uncle: Mom, I told you &lt;that&gt; you jumped to conclusions too fast.<BR>Man 2: Hey, boys! Forget it! Stop! It isn't hers!<BR>Man 3: So, what do we do now?<BR>Man 4: Well, we keep on looking, that's what.<BR>Woman: Well, whatever you do, you'd better hurry up. It's going to be dark soon.<BR>Kanta's Father: I'm grateful to you all. I know it's tough work, but if you <BR>could keep searching.<BR>Man 4: Aw, don't worry, we understand.<BR>Man 3: Hey, don't you think we should call the police maybe?<BR>Kanta's Father: Well, I don't know, do you think the police could ...<BR>Satsuki: (looking over at Camphor Tree) Police? <BR>Granny: (to Satsuki) Please, where are you going?</P>
<P>(At the entrance to Totoro's tunnel)<BR>Satsuki: Totoro, I beg you, please protect Mei. She'll be lost, and probably <BR>scared. Please believe me, I'll be good for the rest of my life if I can just <BR>see her again. </P>
<P>(Runs into tunnel. She finds Totoro)<BR>Satsuki: What? Totoro! Totoro, Mei's lost somewhere! I've looked and looked, but <BR>I can't find her anywhere. Oh, please, you have to help me find her. She's <BR>probably alone somewhere, crying and upset. Oh, Totoro, I'm scared! </P>
<P>(Totoro flies with Satsuki to the top of the camphor tree and roars)<BR>Satsuki: What? <BR>(Cat bus runs between two farmers)<BR>Farmer: He wouldn't be able to.<BR>Satsuki: But how come nobody sees the bus?</P>
<P>(Satsuki gets in Cat Bus)<BR>Cat Bus: Next stop, Little Sister.</P>
<P>Granny: Mei, where are you!</P>
<P>(Running through the forest, the trees lean out of the way)<BR>Satsuki: But how does he make it do that?</P>
<P>Satsuki: Mei!<BR>Mei: But Sis! Where are you! Satsuki!<BR>Satsuki: Mei!</P>
<P>(Cat Bus jumps down next to Mei)<BR>Satsuki: There you are!<BR>Mei: Satsuki!<BR>(hug)<BR>Satsuki: Oh, Mei!<BR>Mei: I'm sorry!<BR>Satsuki: Tell me one thing. Were you bringing that corn to the hospital?<BR>Mei: Uh-huh.<BR>Cat Bus: (meows)<BR>Satsuki: Ah!<BR>Cat Bus: Next stop, Shichikokuyama Hospital.<BR>Satsuki: &lt;Do&gt; you mean we can go to Mom's hospital?<BR>Cat Bus: (meows)<BR>Satsuki: You're wonderful! <BR>            Totoro Video Cover <BR>            Get the DVD from Amazon.com<BR>             </P>

<P>(At the hospital)<BR>Mother: I'm sorry. It was all because of my silly cold that the hospital sent <BR>you that telegram. The grief it must've caused all of you. I hope you can <BR>forgive me.<BR>Father: It was simply a bureaucratic mistake. I'm sure it wasn't terribly <BR>traumatic for either of the girls. It just means you'll be home next weekend. <BR>They understand. <BR>Mother: I wouldn't be at all surprised if they suffered more than we know. In <BR>particular Satsuki, because she's so smart and sensitive. <BR>Father: Mmm. &lt;You&gt; could be right. <BR>Mother: You'd better be careful after I get home, because I intend to spoil them <BR>rotten for a while.<BR>Father: Oh, no!<BR>(both laugh)</P>
<P>(Satsuki, Mei and Cat Bus are in the tree outside the window)<BR>Mei: Look, Mommy's laughing.<BR>Satsuki: She seems pretty healthy to me.<BR>Mei: Yep.</P>
<P>(The hospital room)<BR>Mother: Oh, I can't wait to get up on my feet again.<BR>Father: Neither can we.<BR>(both look at window)<BR>Father: (picking up the ear of corn from the window sill) Now, that's weird.<BR>Mother: (looking out the window) Oh! <BR>Father: What happened?<BR>Mother: Well, I'm not sure, but I could've sworn that I saw both of the girls up <BR>in the treetop, laughing.<BR>Father: That might not be as crazy as you think. Have a look! <BR>(Shows her the corn. On it is written, "to mother")</P>
<P>(Satsuki &amp; Mei ride in Cat Bus. They meet Granny, who hugs Mei. Satsuki greets <BR>Kanta, both laugh. Closing credits show still scenes: Mother getting out of <BR>taxi, taking bath with the children, the children playing)</P>

<P><BR>      THE END</P>








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