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凝恩彩的个人空间 http://www.totoroclub.net/forum/?18603 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 1003 次阅读2009-11-19 19:14 |个人分类:生活





-I just saw a bird with its wings cut off dropping from the sky.

-There are many things dropping the sky,airplanes,aerolites,dreams,and people without love.

-I never heard anything from you after the gradution.

-The city is too noisy for us to hear each other.

-Do you remember we climbing up the tree top to see the world?

-On the treetop?

-I reached the peak of the Everest..and came in view of the scenery from the other half of the globe.

-You've realized your dream,but I still live as others do.

-Isn't this just what you want?


-Why do human beings invent this kind of technology?

-It's because of people's obsession for control.

-How can I hide?



-You are finally here.Ji Yinchuan.

-I heard you calling my name.

-Your name is like a mantra to protect me.It takes me away from boredom and desperation.

-OK.I'll make them all go away.

-After you left,I find it diffcult to face the world by myself.

-See you,pal.This is just your imagination.

-Where are you now?How come Inever hear from you any more?


-Dear classmates,it has been five rears since we have graduated.How about getting together now?This will be our first class reunion since graduation.Everyone of you will receive a parle,in which you may find our game rules.


-You started this reunion,didn't you?

-Maybe I just want to do something.

-I can see you again!

-Maybe I am no longer handsome.

-You're kidding me.

-Are you still painting?

-That was student's dream.

-Surgery is my reality.

 I often have dreams about our school these years.Bones,muscles,veins.I even study in my dreams.By the next morning,it is all forgotten.


[-You'll have your first dissection lesson today.You will become more interested in the human body through this course.]

-This is my first time looking at a dead body so close.

 Lying there in dark clothes,he seems so desolate.Is this boy now called the BODY..once also had first love and beautiful dreams?

[-Zhang Wenli,you first!]

[-Little Puss, are you afraid?]

[-Zhang Wenli,what are you thinking?You first!]


-Excuse me,professor.Sorry I'm late.We had a car accident.Our driver is a Hong Kong-nese.We hit a Korean.They couldn't understand each other.I can speak both Korean and Cantonese,so I had to translate for them.Do you understand Korean?No.I ran into two robbers later.They grabbed my neck...and asked me fot 20 bucks.How could I possibly have 20 bucks?You know Inever carry any money with me.What a day today!Are we having dissection class today?

-You talked nonsense and acted like a comedian.I never would have believed that...your name was about become the mantra to protect me.

-Can I help it?


-I've been sleeping for a long time.It feels like just waking up...and seeing the cloudy sky be clear and bright.

-This should be the true look of the world.


[-Little Puss.]


[-Can I use your place?]

-But I'm studying.

[-What did you say?]


-I can never say "no" to him.He's very popular on campus.


-Where are you going?It's cold outside.


 Why are you here?

[-There are too many people in our room.I want to use your place for a while.]

-Understood!There's a shortage of dormitories.The demand exceeds the supply.

[-Thank you!]

-You're welcome!But our friend will be here in five minutes.Is five minutes enough?

[-I see.OK! Let's go.]


-Am I handsome?

 Brad Pitt!

 Tom Cruise!

 Takeshi Kaneshiro!

 Kimura Takuya!

 They all look like this.

 Want to be as cool as me?

 Attention!Raise your hands!

 Squat!Open your legs!

 Tilt your head!

 Close your eyes!


-Other people are vanishing from my memory.The scenery is laid out on as of on a stage.We are laughing as we are running through the sets.I haven't heard from you for many years.In which corner of this world should I place you?How are you going to appear in front of me?


-Pal ,long time ti see!Come hug me!


-He is Uncle Zhang.(-Uncle Zhang!-Uncle Zhang!)

 Only three years,I already have two kids.


-Do you still remeber me?

 I'm your pal.Forget?

 Remember or don't remember?

 Pretend to remenber or pretend to forget?


-If I see you again,I want to ask.Are we still brothers?



{-Welcome!The mark party is about to begin.}


-Ji Yinchuan!


-Sorry,I have the wrong person.



-Are you looking for someone?

-Do you know if Ji Yinchuan is coming?

-Your first love?See it for yourself.


-Do you know who's hosting this party?

-I might know.


-I haven't found him.


-You make everyone hide behind masks,You observe everything in the dark.You must have recognized me.


-Ji Yinchuan!

-Pal!Pal...How are you?


                                                                              (To be continued..)

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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