无处可淘 发表于 2007-7-17 09:38:03


(感谢David Goldsmith的编辑)


出现了。我可以想像要发生什么。如 INOUE Yousui在《最后的消息》中唱道:“人类溢出地球,掉入大海的尽头”无论我们是否考虑过这件事,它始终存在于我们每个人的意识里。


源自:《Ikiiki Mizu Book, Living Water, Loving Water》, Asahi Original,
          Kurashito Kankyou, 由Asahi Shimbunsha出版, 1994年7月20.
         由宫崎骏重新发表于《Shuppatsuten》,Studio Ghibli出版,1996.版权Studio
         Ghibli, 1996.

[ 本帖最后由 无处可淘 于 2007-7-17 10:00 编辑 ]

无处可淘 发表于 2007-7-17 09:55:17

This is the Miyazaki interview on Nausicaa's end.

CAUTION: This interview contains a major spoiler.
If you haven't read
the end of the manga "Nausicaa", you might not want to read it.

(Many thanks to David Goldsmith San for editing).

---------------Spoiler Warning!!!----------------------

Miyazaki Interview: "At the shore of the Sea of Corruption - Even so, I
still plant grass, and clean up the river."


"What is hope?
Maybe it's to suffer with those whom you care about."

The "Fukai" (Sea of Corruption) in "Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind" was a
system which humans made 1,000 years ago to clean up the environment.

But even those who created it could not predict how the Fukai would
change. No matter how many excellent ecologists work together, you can't
(predict it).

For example, we can plant a camphor tree next to this office (Studio
But we don't know what will happen to this tree.
We can't predict
what this tree will bring to humans: if it gives someone an opportunity to
fall in love, or if it falls down and brings this building down.
arrogant to think that we can predict.
Humans can make a start, or set
things up, but we can not determine what will stay there, or whether a god
will stay there or not.
(This is based on the Animism belief of a
god/spirit staying in everything, natural or man-made -Ryo.)
I think this
is a more appropriate way to see this world.

The things intended and the things that come about are different.
So, the
Fukai started as an artificially engineered ecosystem, but it changes into
something different over time in this world.
It suits my feelings better to
think that even an artificially created forest can properly function as a
forest, and becomes an ecosystem complicated beyond our imagination, than to
think that it's no use to care about it, since it's not a natural forest.

The idea that Nature is gentle, and it creates the Fukai to recover the
environment humans contaminated, or does something (for humans), - that's
not true.
Clinging to such a naive view of the Earth is problematic.
came to think this way while I was writing "Nausicaa".

I had a feeling that it would end this way, from the beginning.
Some said
that that's not good, since (such an ending) would betray the readers.
it (the Fukai as a natural ecosystem) isn't right.
There can't be an
ecosystem with a purpose.
I didn't want to go there, but I had to.
although Nausicaa knows the truth about the Fukai, it's almost impossible
to explain it to people by words.
If (readers can see) what she has been
doing, and can feel what she is going to do from now on, that's enough.

We can't talk about hope so easily.

Then, what is hope?
Going through hardships with those whom you care
about, maybe that's hope, too.
We have no choice but to think that to live
means such a thing.
I ended up thinking that way.

I don't know what would happen if I planted grass and cleaned up the river.
Will it lead to future?
No, it wouldn't.
But, if I don't do anything,
nothing will happen.
And at least some troubles happen to my daily life (by
doing something).
(I decided to) enjoy them.

But the minute we say that we don't know what would happen, that we have no
choice but to let it happen, we get another problem.
I can see what would
The phrase in the song, "Saigo no News (The Last News)" by INOUE
Yousui; "Humans overflow the earth, and they fall in the end of the sea" -
that's it.
Whether we think about it or not, it's laid in the consciousness
of us all.

Right now, if we divide all the land area on the Earth, including deserts
and the polar region, by the population, we have 170 meter square per
50 years from now, when we have 10 billion population, it will be
120 meter square.
When it becomes 50 billion, there wouldn't be any other
creatures than humans.
Asimov, the science fiction writer, calculated that
50 billion is the limit imposed by the organic materials made by
photosynthesis on the Earth.

"What should we do to live?
We have no choice but to have a lot of


We have no choice but to think that humans can become 10 billion but also
could become 200 million in the future, and that's human .
As there were
numerous examples in history, there will be countless tragedies in future.
Then, what should we do to live?
We have no choice but to have a lot of
We have no choice but to think that to live means to live being
troubled by your children, to live suffering from disease.
So, these days,
when I'm invited to a wedding, I just say, "Have a lot of children".
no use thinking about the future.
I don't mean no use, but, humans are such
So if you ask me which is better, it's better to have children, and
to be troubled by them.

If we say nothing works, of course nothing works.
But you are going to
die someday anyway, so if you say it's no good, everything is no good.

But, humans have stopped going extinct.
That's for sure.

It's been said that dinosaurs went extinct as a result of the evolution, but
the story has changed recently.
It wasn't Nemesis who gave them a
punishment they deserved, but it was a huge meteorite which crashed on the
Earth, and brought a climate like nuclear winter, that killed the dinosaurs
Or, (another theory says) it wasn't a meteorite, but the Earth which
went through an era of big crustal movement.
Volcanoes erupted and 70% of
species went extinct, renewing (the ecosystem).
The Earth is not gentle.
If it were not for that, the dinosaurs would have continued to thrive.
perished not because of themselves, but because of the Earth.

At the end of the 20th century, it became the general theory.
It means that
humans have decided to live, even though we keep expanding without limits,
and producing pollution.

From "Ikiiki Mizu Book, Living Water, Loving Water", Asahi Original, Kurashi
to Kankyou, Published by Asahi Shimbunsha, July 20, 1994.
Reprinted in
"Shuppatsuten" by Hayao Miyazaki, Published by Studio Ghibli,
1996. Copyright, Studio Ghibli, 1996.

Aha 发表于 2007-8-1 15:56:03

:dance 其实说的也没错~~~~但我们国家在搞什么计划生育~~~不考虑地球的问题,我觉得很不人道~~但大家都已经接受这个事实了~~我觉得这么做很残忍,一个有够少的,起码两个嘛~~在将来中国也要面临老龄化的问题啊~~~~

鲜橙猪 发表于 2007-8-24 22:16:04


guaiguaihome 发表于 2008-1-4 02:23:48


小毛虫6463 发表于 2008-7-30 20:02:55


shadownk 发表于 2008-11-11 15:07:13

wow i didnt know there are so much meanings behind Nausicaa

伊凡翔 发表于 2008-11-24 20:25:56


想飞的鱼 发表于 2009-1-18 21:29:24


Hane 发表于 2009-6-21 13:06:28


杳漾枫晓 发表于 2009-7-29 22:32:57


python5 发表于 2009-7-29 23:28:08


lgenesis 发表于 2009-8-5 16:00:10

冰晶 发表于 2009-10-4 23:29:29

1# 无处可淘

imomo 发表于 2011-12-31 20:58:25


imomo 发表于 2012-5-11 15:51:52

imomo 发表于 2011-12-31 20:58 static/image/common/back.gif
觉得达尔文的进化论物竞天择有道理,一切都有平衡,当人口饱和崩盘时,大自然肯定会让人口减少的,也可能为 ...


谢元12 发表于 2014-11-9 15:53:57

摩数师 发表于 2015-3-27 19:19:51

ouyangv6 发表于 2015-8-18 09:41:00

广壮笑谦 发表于 2015-10-27 13:50:54

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