icytear 发表于 2005-11-7 20:52:44


<H2 align=center><FONT face=宋体><FONT face=Arial>
<P align=center><FONT face=黑体 color=#44665f size=6>积极的悲观主义者</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT face=黑体 color=#44665f size=6>--NEWSWEEK访宫崎骏</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT face=黑体 color=#44665f>A positive pessimist</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=#44665f>2005.6.12</FONT></FONT></P></FONT></H2>
<H2 align=center><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#105667 size=4>翻译:icytear</FONT> <br>
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<P align=center><FONT face=宋体><FONT size=4><FONT color=#ff4444><STRONG>所有翻译均为动画爱好者交流所用,版权归原作者及所属媒体所有</STRONG> </FONT></FONT>
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<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on"><FONT face=宋体>    与宫崎骏这位日本伟大的动漫家的会面和看他的电影可完全不同。这位先生一身灰色穿着,抽烟抽个不停,而且总是透露着宿命论的冷幽默。他的作品《龙猫》、《幽灵公主》以及那部杰出的《千与千寻》无一不是绚烂夺目,如多彩而热切的梦幻。这位64岁的导演在美国漫画家群体中是一个传奇,在日本本土则与斯皮尔伯格齐名。宫崎骏很少在公开场合发言,但随着他的近作《哈尔的移动城堡》上周在美国剧院登陆,他开了个先例,,接受了新闻周刊DEVIN GORDON的访问<br>问:为什么改变心意(接受采访)了呢?<br>答:我说过了,“噢,真是的”。(大笑)我对让我的制片人接受所有的采访表示深深的歉意。<br>问:您希望您的作品在美国可以获得同在日本一样的成功吗?<br>答:在制作片子的时候,我仅仅考虑到了我的日本观众。当然,如果国外的观众也喜欢我的电影,我会很高兴。但是我没有把自己的工作当作一项国际化的事业。(大笑)在某些地方,我制片人的说法可能和我正好相反。<br>问:《千与千寻》获得奥斯卡奖项,您吃惊吗?<br>答:事实上,你们的国家那时候刚刚发动了对伊拉克的战争,而我本人对此极度厌恶。所以我对个奖项颇为犹豫。事实上,那时候我正着手制作《哈尔的移动城堡》,所以这部片子受伊拉克战争的影响很深。<br>问:对老年人的敬意在儿童电影中是很罕见的。而故事(《哈尔的移动城堡》)中的女主角是一个被女巫变成了90岁老妇人的少女。<br>答:这部作片是做给一位60岁的超龄少女的。(大笑)影片最巧妙的是,故事的大团圆结局不是咒语解除,女孩重获青春,而是女孩从自己的年龄中超脱。<br>问:这部影片不太符合西方叙事的传统。<br>答:许多人说他们不太理解这部电影,但这种说法其实只是说明他们对叙事的方式有着根深蒂固的观念。当故事和他们的预期不符,他们就开始抱怨了--我觉得这很可笑。我父亲在老年阶段只看那些他能在3分钟内勾画出故事情结的电视节目,他说“恩,我看懂了,理解了”但我想试图改变别人简直是浪费时间。<br>问:在一篇访谈中,《攻壳机动队》的导演押井守说您的梦想就是“毁灭日本”,您的故事总是充满血腥。<br>答:(大笑)我哪里有想要毁灭日本,我只是预测日本终将被毁灭。押井守和我是朋友,所以我们总是互相挖苦。<br>问:好吧,但是是什么让他怀疑您对日本有着如此的念头?<br>答:可能是因为我说过“噢,我真希望大地震赶快到这儿来”吧。(大笑)的确,我的想法很悲观,但是一般情况下我会表现的很积极。</FONT></ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on">.</ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on">英文原文:</ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on">Meeting Hayao Miyazaki, Japan's greatest living director, is nothing like watching a Miyazaki film. The man dresses entirely in gray, chain-smokes and has a bleak, fatalistic sense of humor. The films, meanwhile—"My Neighbor Totoro," "Princess Mononoke," his masterpiece "Spirited Away"—are enchanting, radiantly colorful fever dreams. The 64-year-old director is a legend among American animators, and back home he's the equivalent of Steven Spielberg. Miyazaki rarely speaks publicly, but as his latest miracle, "Howl's Moving Castle," arrived in U.S. theaters last week, he made an exception and sat down with NEWSWEEK's Devin Gordon<br>GORDON: Why this change of heart? <br>MIYAZAKI: I figured, "Oh, what the hell." And I feel sorry about making my producer do all the interviews. </ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on">Are you hoping your films will enjoy the same success here that they do in Japan?<br>I think only about my Japanese audience when I make a film. Of course, I'm delighted that people from other countries also enjoy my films. But I try not to think of this as an international business. Somewhere my producer is probably saying the exact opposite. </ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on">Were you surprised "Spirited" won an Oscar? <br>Actually, your country had just started the war against Iraq, and I had a great deal of rage about that. So I felt some hesitation about the award. In fact, I had just started to make "Howl's Moving Castle," so the film is profoundly affected by the war in Iraq. </ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on">It's also the rare children's film that addresses the subject of aging. Your protagonist is a young girl who's turned by a witch into a 90-year-old woman. <br>I made this film so that I could show it to a young girl of 60. What's wonderful about the story is that the happy ending isn't that the spell is broken and the girl is young again. It's that she forgets her age. </ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on">The film doesn't follow Western storytelling conventions. <br>A lot of people say they don't understand the film, and what that means is just that they have a set definition of how a story is supposed to be told. When the story betrays their anticipations, then they complain. Which I find ridiculous. My father, in his old age, only watched TV programs where he could figure out the story in the first three minutes. He'd say, "I can understand this. I can follow it." But I think it's a waste of time to try to change people. </ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on">In an interview, "Ghost in the Shell" director Mamoru Oshii claimed that, deep down, you dream of "destroying Japan" and making movies with lots of bloodshed. <br> It's not that I want to destroy Japan. It's that I predict that it will be destroyed. Oshii and I are friends, so we always dis each other. </ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><ST1:CHSDATE Year="1988" Month="5" Day="22" IsLunarDate="False" IsROCDate="False" w:st="on">OK, but what makes him suspect that you have such feelings about Japan?<br>Maybe it's because I say things like "Oh, I wish the big earthquake would just hurry up and get here." My thoughts are very pessimistic, yes, but my general state of being is very positive. </ST1:CHSDATE></FONT></P></FONT>
[此贴子已经被桃夭于2006-5-10 21:28:57编辑过]

南里 发表于 2005-12-4 10:27:31


criminalyy 发表于 2005-12-23 11:45:54


海海人生 发表于 2006-2-7 20:55:50


kuchashui777 发表于 2006-2-7 21:33:14


ducklily 发表于 2006-2-26 22:32:52


jmmm 发表于 2006-5-13 11:24:29


小毛虫6463 发表于 2008-7-30 20:20:03


shadownk 发表于 2008-11-11 15:02:56

“Spirited" won an Oscar?????????
omg, I didnt know that

dadoumu 发表于 2008-11-17 19:28:51


imomo 发表于 2012-1-2 07:01:19

dadoumu 发表于 2008-11-17 19:28 static/image/common/back.gif
希望他为所以喜欢他的迷们千万千 ...


wfhp 发表于 2012-9-15 18:23:49


大帆船 发表于 2013-1-28 13:04:23

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